Opportunities for development of women entrepreneurship in rural areas

На 25ти Јануари 2021 во организација на Марина Тошеска - дел од тимот на ЛАГ АГРО ЛИДЕР и член на МААА се одржа вебинарот  “Можности за развој на женско претприемништво во рурални средини” поддржан од Македонско американската алумни асоцијација и амбасадата на САД во Скопје . Свое поздравно обраќање имаше г-ѓа Верица Јорданова - Претседател на МААА.
On January 25, 2021, the webinar "Opportunities for Development of Women Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas" took place and was organized by Marina Tosheska - part of the team of LAG AGRO LEADER and member of MAAA, and it was supported by the Macedonian American Alumni Association and the US Embassy in Skopje. Mrs. Verica Jordanova - President of MAAA opened the webinar and had a welcoming address.

The aim of the webinar was to promote opportunities for the development of women entrepreneurship in rural communities.

The key priorities for supporting women entrepreneurship in rural areas were addressed by the following speakers:

Mr. Goran Tomeski - representative of the National Extension Agency

Mrs. Viktorija Jonovska - controller in organic production (Procert Control and OKC certification)

Mr. Viktor Fichoski – representative of the IT Sector

Government programs and measures to support women's entrepreneurship were presented at the event, followed by a presentation of opportunities for entrepreneurship development in the field of organic production, and the development potential offered by digitalization in the agricultural sector. Women's entrepreneurship can help create employment opportunities in agricultural technology, the IT sector, and the processing of agricultural products, and can play an essential role in improving the lives of women and all rural communities.

Women's economic empowerment, promoting women's entrepreneurship and achieving sustainable rural development are our priorities, join us to achieve them together!