Improving the dialogue for greater financial transparency of municipalities, with a focus on parafiscal charges

FISKAST network, represented by the finance Think- Insititute for Economic Research, Skopje, AGORA - Center for Promotion of Civic Values, Skopje, Quantum Prima - Association for Economic and Political Research and Analysis, Kavadarci, and LAG Agro Lider - Association for Rural Development, Krivogashtani, in the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2022 will implement the project "Improving the dialogue for greater financial transparency of municipalities, with a focus on parafiscal levies" funded by the Delegation of the European Union in N. Macedonia.
The main goal of the project is enabling support for raising awareness for transparency, creating a parafiscal charges register, and increasing cooperation with stakeholders and local governments.
The project will focus on the following outcomes:
• Established parafiscal charges register in the municipality and recommendations for their optimization for raising local competitiveness.
• Increased transparency of the municipality through providing support in gathering and processing data on fiscal transparency of the municipality in one place;
•Opportunities to increase capacity for financial transparency of the budget; parafiscal charges; public acquisitions; monitoring; advocacy; and building partnerships;
• Increаsed collaboration with stakeholders (NGO sector, business sector, youth, etc.) by establishing an evidence-based mechanism based on evidence on more concerned parties for designing and monitoring the financial transparency of municipalities;
• Creating analysis on ELS level
• Opportunities for promotion and achievements of the municipality in fiscal transparency.