“Response to the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 by supporting vulnerable groups of low-paid workers, workers who are part of the informal economy and temporary workers"

The main goal of the project - Strengthening the socio-economic situation of women in rural areas by building economically viable agricultural farms and local facilities, establishing access to advisory support, and creating public policies for legal equality.
Short-term goals:
- Improvement of the economical position of the women coming from the rural areas by establishing an online page for selling local products and promotion of from the farm to your table concept, and using the benefits of the new added food-value markets
- Building economically sustainable farms and local capacities through local agricultural production and local capacities for rural development and tourism
- Established services for access to legal aid and advisory support for the opportunities and programs of relevant national, regional and international institutions
- Providing legal equality through the establishment of public policies for the realization of women's rights in rural areas in terms of access to social protection and agricultural rights
Component 1:
- Analysis of regulations and programs
- Comparative analysis with regulations and programs in the countries of the region and beyond.
- Field research with a semi-structured questionnaire which includes 400 women from the municipalities of Dolneni, Krivogashtani, Krushevo, and Prilep
- 3 focus groups with women from rural areas
- Identified challenges and created recommendations for policymakers
Component 2:
-Mapping of the producers of agricultural products (primary and secondary local production), handcrafted products eg.
-Development of materials and educative workshops
- Creating and establishing an online program for e-commerce with an online paying system and organized delivery.
- Establishing a quality control system
- Creating a section for promotion of local capacities in the field of rural tourism
Promotion of the e-commerce online platform
The project will contribute towards the establishment of a new model of marketing/placing products and/or re-adaptation, and through digital transformation and acquiring digital skills it will enable the women to improve their economical position and to contribute to the development of the community as seen form their perspective.
Additionally, the project will enable the creation of public policies which will address the real needs of the women farmers and women from the rural areas in terms of social rights, as well as the fulfillment of the rights guaranteed to them in the field of agricultural activity.
The access to legal help and advisory support for the women living in the rural areas and/or the women included in agricultural activities and rural tourism will ensure continuous availability of information on agricultural activity, facilities, and benefits offered by the state in normal and crisis situation, but also information on the legal regulations for employment in the context of performing an agricultural activity.
The project will enable women, especially women in the rural areas to combat the economic consequences of the ongoing COVID19 crises, to improve their socio-economic status, and to become more resilient to negative influences, and to easily overcome a crisis situation.