Youth Employment Initiative (YEI)

“ Youth Employment Initiative” aims to contribute to reducing the number of young people who are not in the process of education, are not employed, and do not participate in vocational training, by providing supported employment services for young people by youth trainers in project partner organizations.
The goals targeted according to the needs identified of the project target group are:
* To give a contribution towards a better socio-economic, inclusive and sustainable society with the inclusion of marginalized youth.
* To enable/equip partner organizations with new methods and approaches by combining creative and educational contexts in a non-standard way in their professional activities.
Project activities include
Analysis of the employment opportunities of young people in the regions of partner organizations in Italy, Romania, and N. Macedonia. A summary of the survey that consolidates the findings of surveys for young people up to 29 years, conducted in November and December 2020. One hundred and twenty-five (125) young respondents from the region of Apulia, Italy, the region of Bistrica, Romania, and the region of Prilep and the surrounding municipalities, N. Macedonia participated in the research.
The research emphasizes the need for youth employment support services provided by youth trainers and the importance of equipping young people with soft skills that makes them more competitive in the labor market. - Created project website where young people will have access to coaching for career development, as well as access to methods to strengthen soft skills that would make them more competitive in the labor market
- Created training program for youth coaches (trainers)
- Prepared Guide for Supported Youth Employment Services
Проектот се имплементира во партнерство со Asociatia Tineri pentru Comunitate Бистрита (Романија) и Associazione InCo – Molfetta (Италија).
The project is implemented in partnership with Asociatia Tineri pentru Comunitate Bistrita (Romania) and Associazione InCo - Molfetta (Italy).
The project is funded by the European Commission - Erasmus + Program and National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility