Call for interviewers to conduct research to identify the real problems and needs of women engaged in the agricultural sector and in the field of rural tourism
Association for Rural Development Local Action Group Agro Lider for successful implementation of the activities in the project "Response to the socio-economic effects of KOVID-19 by supporting vulnerable groups of low-paid workers, workers who are part of the informal economy and temporary workers ” Supported by the Open Society Foundation - Macedonia announces a call for four (4) interviewers for the period September - October 2020 to conduct field research to identify the real problems and needs of women engaged in the agricultural sector or in the field of rural tourism in municipalities Prilep (rural part), Krivogashtani, Dolneni and Krushevo.
This research aims to provide data and information to identify the real problems and needs of women engaged in the agricultural sector or in the field of rural tourism.
This activity will identify the challenges, but also the opportunities for further improvement of the situation of women farmers in the rural areas, especially in the part of the socio-economic effects of COVID-19
In the area of the detected priorities, public policies will be created that will address their rights to access resources, resources and opportunities in order to reduce the gender "gap", but also the gap between the rights and the access to opportunities for women from the urban environment and rural women which is increasing,i.e. a Policy Paper will be prepared.
For the needs of the research, we are announcing a call for hiring 4 (four) interviewers who will be directly involved in conducting field research and analysis of the obtained data.
The field research envisages the implementation of 400 questionnaires in the municipalities of Prilep (rural part), Krivogashtani, Dolneni and Krushevo.
In order to properly collect data in the field, the selected interviewers will be provided with a one-day training in which attendance is mandatory.
The selected interviewers will be engaged to conduct 100 surveys with women - farmers, women individual farmers, women engaged in agriculture in an informal way, women engaged in processing of agricultural products, local facilities in rural areas that are part of rural tourism, business entities from the field of gastronomy. Financial compensation of 11,000mkd gross amount is provided for the engagement.
Everyone interested must meet the following requirements:
- To be an adult;
- Have the motivation to be involved in field research;
- To be able to conduct the research during the working hours;
- Previous survey experience will be considered an advantage;
- To attend a one-day training;
- Good communication skills.
Interested candidates are required to submit a CV (biography), no later than September 7, 2020, to marked "Application for an interviewer".
If you have any questions about the call you can direct them to the same email address.
With respect,
The LAG Agro Lider team.